
Round Shapes

Ashley Davidoff MD

Copyright 2012

Spheres Geometry

“Of all the solids having a given volume, the sphere is the one with the smallest surface area;

of all solids having a given surface area, the sphere is the one having the greatest volume.”


A Perfect Geometrical Sphere

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved  108485p.81s

 Using the Sphere in Concepts

The Sphere of Evolution

In the beginning there was a big bang and the hydrogen atom after a long time and it spread all over the universe. It then started to link and organize and formed some brothers and sisters and they sat around the periodic table and designed things like fats proteins and carbohydrates and with time that part of the extended family developed the capability of forming self replicating macromolecules and the cell miracle was formed . Now they sat around the family table and joined hands and connected and organized and the organs and bodies and people were formed. And the people formed more people and so the story goes and continues to unfold.

Davidoff Art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 77507b01bb09b03.8s

Concept of Space and Time

This equation relates to the interaction of units in physics, chemistry and biology. The interaction (represented by forward and reverse white arrows) creates a link or bond between different units called unit 1 and unit 2, in the presence of a facilitator (red arrow) and results in a new unit (unit 3) that has new and unique properties. The reaction takes place in a given space (black ring) at a given time (red numbered clock around black ring) in a given environment (blue background).

Davidoff Art Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 86507.3d03.8s

Study of the Gradations of Shadows on Spheres, c. 1492 Leonardo da Vinci

Courtesy Study of the Gradations of Shadows on Spheres, c. 1492 Leonardo da Vinci sphere CTscan historical diverging beam 54862

The Science and Art in Biology and Medicine

This image shows the hydrogen atom spinning within the core of the person who is surrounded by a sphere containing cells. The hydrogen atom is the basic building block of the universe and biology. The dancer is surrounded by a sphere of cells, which lie within the complex biology of the earth (heterogeneous sphere) with its large body of ewater (blue ring). Note the magnetic field of the earth depicted by the two lines on the earths axis with similar electromagnetic field of the atom. The earth lies within the warmth of the sun (deep orange and the universe lies beyond. Survival of biology requires warmth, energy and electromagnetism. The sun provides the warmth, the earth provides the water, biology provides food and required energy and the hydrogen atom and its derivatives provide electromagnetism.

CODE the common vein atom biology person people cells cell biology food botany zoology animals plants energy atmosphere water sun solar system electromagnetism electtricity electron proton precessing spinning dance soul Davidoff art Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 13451b17e01.95k.8s

Medici Balls
 Italy Tuscany Florence Medici Chapel medici 6 balls fleur de Lis Davidoff photography Courtesy Ashley DAvidoff Copyright 2011 all rights reserved 104127p.8

Elba Italy 2011 Piazzale Napoleon Cannon Balls

Davidoff Photography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 All Rights reserved 104522p

The Proton Spinning Precessing Magnetic Field

The hydrogen atom consists of a single proton around which a single electron is maintained in orbit resulting in a magnetic field. The earth with an inner core of iron, also has a magnetic field and precesses in orbit with a tilted axis around the sun held by the force of gravity.

Davidoff art Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD  13451b17b07.41k.8s

The Proton and the Earth Remarkable Similarity Spinning Precessing Magnetic Field

The hydrogen atom consists of a single proton around which a single electron is maintained in orbit resulting in a magnetic field. The earth with an inner core of iron, also has a magnetic field and precesses in orbit with a tilted axis around the sun held by the force of gravity.

Davidoff art Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 13451c06.800

The Elements Now up to 118 of them Periodic Table in the Round

 Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 108485pb20.8s

The Cell

108275b04.75bk. Davidoff art Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD


 Davidoff art copyright 2009 13275b01i02e02

Time to Live and Time to Die

Cycles of the Cell and Apoptosis

Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2009 all rights reserved 85198g09.08k

Cycles of Life

Evolving knowledge man framework organization TCV involution death dying returning fetus cycles of life annual rings raw materials

Davidoff Art Copyright 2012  Davidoff Oneness 13275b05i02.800b03


A Sphere in Art

Positano Amalfi Coast Mediterranean Italy cell brass sculpture sphere nucleus Davidoff photography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff Copyright 2011 All rights reserved 105142p.8

Positano Amalfi Coast Mediterranean Italy

Ball Cell

Davidoff photography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff Copyright 2011 All rights reserved 105047p.8

Art in Newton Center

 Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved 90831pb01.8s

Circles and Cycles Washington?

 Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff MD Davidoff photography TCV time cycles 10197.800


Sunset at Lars Anderson Park Boston

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 02081p

Alum – A Sphere in Nature

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 61170p

Snow Covered Berries in a Boston Winter

Snow covered red berries – the contrats between the cherry red and the snow white make them look delicious.

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 02160p

Water Droplets of Rain on a Leaf  – Cohesive Forces at Work

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved

Still Life

Basket of Fruit Nutcracker Grapes Apples Pears

Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 02372pb02.8s

Grapes of Italy

From Andi’s Facebook Collection called Italy grapes wine Photography by the late Andi Fisher images added to FB March 5 2008 Created March 2008 94453p

Berries and Water Droplets

Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography Davidoff MD 84612p.800

Clematis just About to OPen – Forms a Spherical Shape

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 91721pi.8s

Corona Radiata

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 79370p.800


The Nucleus of the Cell

An impression of the microscopic view of the ciliated columnar epithelium, with cilia that are sweeping dust particles to their freedom in the atmosphere.

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 70043cD06


Nuclii and Nucleoli of the Liver Cell

Courtesy Barbara Banner MD  13440b

Sperm and Egg

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 13275b01i01e08u08

Blastocyst – Pre- embryonic ball – Division after Division Multiplication to a Unit

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 13275b01i01e01b03



Liver cells on the Moon

This artistic rendition of a group of histological group of liver cells that have been transformed into a ball with a crater like appearance of a colorful moon.

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 3440c06i07

The Liver Lobule

 Davidoff art copyright 2008  13009 W8.832k.8s

Cluster of Alveoli

This is a drawing of a cluster of alveoli surrounded by the capillary network, fed by an arteriole in blue, and drained by a venule in red.

Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff M.D. 32164 

Arteriole in the Middle of a Secondary Lobule

81F hx atrial fibrillation cardiac failure heart failure CHF RA enlarged LA enlarged ground glass mosaic perfusion Kerley B lines varicose pulmonary veins squiggly sign

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 44194b01

The Alveolus – the centre of the Pulmonary Universe

The five major layers that keep the air moving include the outer bony cage, the muscular layer represented in maroon, the pleural complex (orange yellow orange) the lung (blue) and surfactant within the alveolus. (pink)

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 42530b05b09b01a08


Grapes of the Lung – The Alveoli

This artistic rendition of the workhorses of the lung – the alveoli – the appearance of the alveoli around the terminal airways has been likned to bunch of grapes.

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 13440c06i07

Man in Istanbul

Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography 100169pb.8s

Trachea in the Axial Projection is Almost Round

The axial CTscan of the neck shows the thyroid gland with the right and left lobes (pink) The gland is horseshoe shaped, and while on the horse theme the gland in this projection could also be viewed as a saddle with

Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley DAvidoff MD copyright 2010 all rights reserved 30491c01d01b.8s

Rings of the Heart Valves

Cross section through the atrioventricular plane of the heart shows the tricuspid valve (TV), mitral valve (MV) in plane, the aortic valve (AoV) in close association with the mitra valve, and the pulmonary valve (PV). elevated and oriented toward the left The orientation of the coronary arteries in the horizontal plane and their course around the atrioventricular groove is demonstrated. The left main coronary artery arises fromt the left coronary cusp and gives rise to the LAD (left anterior descending artery) and circumflex which travels in the A-V groove around the mitral annulus, and the right coronary artery courses around the tricuspid annulus and gives rise to the PDA

Davidoff art Image modified from Grays anatomy 1918 87268c06.8s

Fossa Ovales of the Heart

The fossa ovalis is the depressed ring like structure surrounded by a rim of muscle seen in the first image, consisting of the septum primum and foramen ovale seen in the second diagram.

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 01671c.81s

Breast Nipples CT scan

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 42697

Art of the Breast Rounded Nipples

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 42657b15

Follicles on the Ovary

Copyright 2012  Davidoff MD 71689

Dancing With Hoola Hoops

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 80744pb01.800
  Dancing With Balls
Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 87141pb05.8k.8s

Lady with a Balll

 Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved  87145pb03.8k.8s 87145p.8k.8s


The Nucleus in Cancer

The image represents the life of a single set of columnar cells showing a progressioon of generations as the cell lives dies and is regenerated. The orange secretions of the cell are seen in the background of the pink cytoplasm and the purple nucleus. The nucleus of the newesest generation and cell is seen as a clock that has become distorted and time has become disordered. This process is abnormal and is a forerunner of a malignant process.

Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved 85198j03s.81s

Multinodular Goiter

The diagram illustrates non toxic multinodular goiter together with a normal thyroid gland on the left. A moderately enlarged gland (middle) containing multiple variably sized non toxic nodules with different characteristics is shown together with a massively enlarged non toxic gland (right) When the gland becomes massively enlarged it may extend into the chest, compress the airway and neck veins as well as displace other structures such as the esophagus.

Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2010 93852e07h01a03.8s


This diagram shows alveoli and respiratory bronchioles that are too large due to loss of elasticity, so that air cannot be moved efficiently through tjhem This is a diagram of emphysema causing hyperinflated lungs lung Davidoff tree branching alve emphysema size enlarged alveoli enlarged airways respiratory bronchiole

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 32645b01.800

Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta

This magnified view of the infrarenal aorta using CT, shows an 6.5cms aneurysm, with a narrowed lumen and a wall thickened by thrombus. The vertebral body is 5.5cms in transverse dimension and it can be used as a reference structure to asess the size of the aorta. ie if the aorta reaches the size the vertebra, it is time to repair it.

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 10208

crescent Sign Impending Aortic Rupture

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 25254b

Ruotured Abdominal Aorta

The CTscan of the abdominal aorta reveals an acute rupture characterised by a high density crescent shaped density of acute blood within the chronic thrombus of the aortic lumen. The extraluminal component of the rupture is seen as high density acute blood in the retroperitoneum.

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 27175

Hydrocele Testis Rounded Under Pressure

Elderly man with left testicular pain testis hydrocele under pressure

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 47735

Hydrocele and Scrotal Pearl

Elderly man with left testicular pain

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 47719

Metastasis in the Liver

The histopathological specimen obtained from autopsy biopsy is from a liver and shows discrete metastatic deposits of glandular type metastases separated by spaces within the lesion of mucus consistent with metastatic adenocarcinoma. The distinct blueness and “badness of the malignant tissue is reflective of the hyperchromicity of the nuclii and their dominance in the cell. The malignant unit occupies space and displaces normal liver tissue. Note also the roundness in shape that is characteristic of malignant tissue

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2009 02938b01.8s


Lung Nodule Central Calcification – Benign

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 42244c01

Malignant Lung Nodule

Chest X-Ray in the upper row shows a lung nodule in the right upper lobe overlaid in green and see on the CT scan, and confirmed as a hot nodule on the PET scan with a metatstatic focus in the mediastinum

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved

Pseudocyst of the Pancreas

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 40116

Ovarian Abscess

The CT is from a 36 year old female recently post c section who developed pain fever and rigors in the left lower quadrant. She has a known fibroid uterus but a new tender mass was found in her left adnexa. The CTscan shows a large cystic collection inthe left adnexa with an enhancing rind. This was aspirated under ultrasound guidance , pus was aspirated and a diagnosis of an ovarian abscess was made. She was treated on antibiotics and she subsequently her pain and fever resolved pain

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2012  83287c03.8s

Brain Tumor

Metastasis from Endometrial Carcinoma

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 21694

Adrenal Mass

In this injection of the middle adrenal artery, a mass is apparent in the right adrenal gland. The branches of the artery are distorted and, rather than a triangular shape as seen on previous image, we see a rounded mass. There is evidence of early venous filling (blue overlay) reflecting an arteriovenous shunt, characteristic of a hypervascular tumor.

Copyright 2012 Image courtesy of Ashley Davidoff M.D. 39538

Round  Abdomen in Obesity

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 49671c01

City Box

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. Davidoff photography 02038p

Tap of a Fire Hydrant

A fire hydrant tap with instructions on how to open and close

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 02109p Davidoff photography

Monkey Bars Mason Rice

The monkey bars are connected to a chain and the chain is connected top a wooden frame. In this case the functionality of the toy is dependant on the strength of the connections and bonds. The treeand the bushes in the background are of course depndant on the their roots to connect them to the ground and nutrition and the branches are connected to the atmosphere and the sun. links and connnections monkey bars units to unity sphere half two halves make the whole

Davidoff photography Davidoff art copyright 2012 all rights reserved  90997p.8k.8s

A Tire and a Swing

Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography Atlanta Emory  86069.800

Wagon Wheels Circa 1775

Wagon wheels transport circa 1775 American militia Concord Massachusetts The beginning of the American Revolution resistance along the Battle Road Trail extending from Lexington to Concord Minute man National Historical Park Reenactment July 3rd 2007 in the fields of Hartwell tavern

Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography 84061p.800

Motorbike Wheels

Copyright 2012  Davidoff photography Davidoff MD 84577p.800

Lowell Massachusetts

Davidoff art Davidoff photography Lowell Massachusetts Remnants of days gone by copyright 2008  86627.8


Disney World Magic Kingdom Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography 89064p

Wheels Beslts and Cogs – Machines at Work

Disney World Magic Kingdom Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography 89073p


Two yellow and red bicycles basking in the sun on a dirt road in South Africa. One is ready to go and the other – just resting. An interesting pair suggesting a twin relation of the owners?.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 02149p code accessory interesting Davidoff photography

Oxford or Cambridge?

Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved 03105p.8s

Bike Ride – Livorno Italy

Davidoff Photography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved 104072p.8

Balloon Blowing

This image shows a famous cardiologist, Dr Jonathan Fisher performing as Zippy the clown revealing and exaggerating the difficulty with surface tension and radius in the early stages of blowing up a balloon.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 60730b01 code lung physiology balloon surface tension surfactant alveolus alveoli radius principles

Pink Smooth Ballons

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 02491p

Rounded Seats

From Andi’s facebook album called Italy chairs round shape Andi Fisher

Created March 2008 94465p

Balls of Fire

Disney World Magic Kingdom Davidoff photography  89078p

Cape Cod Masachusetts soccer man child ball

Davidoff photography Davidoff art all rights reserved copyright 2009 CAPE0233i.8s

Corinthian Column and Round Window

 Davidoff photography copyright 2012 80421p.8s


Two people relax on the steps of the gazebo under a blue winter sky and the peace of a small pond. Light snow remains on the grounds of Lars Andersen park in Brookline Mass. Bare trees are all around and their vertical limbs are reflected together with the columns of the gazebo in the water.

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 02136p

Dome with Sky Lights

Copyright 2012 Davidoff photography Emory Atlanta 86070.800

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem Israel  – Old City

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 02878p.8s

Dome of the Rock Jerusalem Woman with a Red Flask

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 02808p.8

Old City Jerusalem Israel

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 02897p.8s

Amalfi Coast Church Ceramic Dome

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 104837p.8

The Vatican St Peter’s

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 106322p.8

Inside St Peter’s Dome

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 106552p.8


Turkey’s most famous mosque and landmark the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. The name is given because of the blue Iznik tiles decorating the interior. Built in the early 1600s. It remains a place of worship shape building mosque blue mosque Istanbul shapes dome spires needles sharp angles round sphere architecture triangle angulated minaret

Copyright 2012 Davidoff Photography 99175p.8s

The Pantheon in Rome

Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 106562p.8
Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved